Your search returned 11 results. Subscribe to this search

El pensamiento ecológico / MORTON, Timothy, BORRAJO, Fernando by Morton, Timothy Publication: Barcelona :Paidós 2018 Physical description: 205 p. ;24cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Gorilas en la niebla : la aventura de Dian Fossey = Gorillas in the mist : the adventure of Dian Fossey / Michael Apted, produced by Arnold Glimcher and Terence Clegg ; screenplay by Anna Hamilton Phelan ; story by Anna Hamilton Phelan and Tab Murphy by Michael Apted Publication: Madrid :distribuida en España por Warner Home Video Española 2002 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD Vídeo) (124 min.) :son., col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Érase una vez ... el hombre   Publication: [Barcelona] :Planeta DeAgostini 2012 Physical description: 52 :principalmente il. col ;27cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1), IES Perdouro (1), IES Perdouro (1), IES Perdouro (1), IES Perdouro (1), IES Perdouro (1),

Wall-E / director, Andrew Stanton ; música, Thomas Newman   Publication: [S. l.] :Walt Disney 2008 Physical description: 1 videodisco (Blu-ray) (ca. 99 min.) :son., cor ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Bajo cero : (Eight Below) / dirigida por Frank Marshall ; producida por Patrick Crowley y David Hoberman ; guión de David DiGillio by Frank Marshall Publication: [Madrid] :distribuida por Buena Vista Home Entertainment 2006 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD Vídeo)(115 min.) :son., col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

O futuro roubado : Unha aventura de Said e Sheila / Ramón Caride by Caride Ogando, Ramón Publication: Vigo :Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. 2005 Physical description: 151 :Il ;19cm Academic level: 5º-6º Primaria Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Be water/ Antía Yañez by Yáñez, Antía Publication: Arzúa [A Coruña] : Cuarto de Inverno, 2019 Physical description: 115 p. ; 22 cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (6),

Erin Brockovich [ / dirigida por Steven Soderbergh ; producida por Danny De Vito, Michael Shamberg, Stacey Sher ; escrita por Susannah Grant   Publication: Madrid :Columbia Tristar Home Video 2000 Physical description: 1 videocasete (128 min.) :son., col Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Vivir no solo / María Pilar Jiménez Aleixandre by JIménez Aleixandre, Mª Pilar Publication: Santiago de Compostela :DGSECS Delegación Galicia 2017 Physical description: [16] p. :principalmente il. cor ;30cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

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