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Mystères au Grand Hotel / BERTRAND, Marie-Claire & GUIMAULT, Sarah by Bertrand, Marie-Claire & Guilmault, Sarah Publication: Barcelona Vicens-Vives (Chat Noir) 2006 Physical description: 80 p. il. col. 21 cm. Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1), IES Perdouro (2),

Sherlock Holmes Stories / / Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, text adaptation and activities by Gina D. B. Clemen, illustrated by Paolo D´Altan by DOYLE, Arthur Conan Publication: Barcelona :Vicens Vives 2023 Physical description: 96 p. :il. cor ; 21cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (3), Checked out (1),

Frankenstein / SHELLEY, Mary by Shelley, Mary Publication: Oxford :Oxford University Press 2008 Physical description: 104 p :il ;20cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (5), Checked out (2),

The Lord of the Rings / part one : The fellowship of the ring by J.R.R. Tolkien. by Tolkien, J. R. R. Publication: London : Harper Collins, 1994 Physical description: 535 p. : il. ; 18 cm. Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Un soir au cirque / TEMPESTA,Giovanna by Tempesta, Giovanna Publication: Madrid Santilllana Français 2008 Physical description: 48 p. : il cor. 21 cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Joseph Andrews / FIELDING, Henry by Fielding, Henry Publication: London : Penguin Books 1985 Physical description: 343 p. ; 18 cm. Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Middlemarch / ELIOT, George by Eliot, George Publication: London : Penguin Classics 1985 Physical description: 908 p. ; 18 cm. Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter / McCULLERS, Carson by McCullers, Carson Publication: London : Penguin Books 1961 Physical description: 312 p. ; 19,6 cm. Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

U.S.A. / Dos Passos, John by Dos Passos, John Publication: London : Penguin Books 1966 Physical description: 1184 p. ; 19,5 cm. Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Flowers in the attic / ANDREWS, Virginia by Andrews, Virginia Publication: Glasgow : Fontana Paperbacks 1988 Physical description: 334 p. ; 17,5 cm. Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Camouflage . and Other Stories / BAIL, Murray by Bail, Murray Publication: London : Vintage 2003 Physical description: 195 p. ; 19,5 cm. Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

The fox / LAWRENCE, D.H. by Lawrence, D.H. Publication: Genoa : Cideb Editrice 1993 Physical description: 128 p. ; 19,6 cm. Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Heart of Darkness / CONRAD, Joseph by Conrad, Joseph Publication: London : Penguin Books 1989 Physical description: 121 p. ; 18 cm. Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Sons and Lovers / Lawrence,D.H. by Lawrence, D.H. Publication: Hertfordshire (England) : Wordsworth Editions Limited 1993 Physical description: 446 p. ; 17,7 cm. Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

L'os mystérieux / FAVRET, Catherine by Favret, Catherine Publication: Francia : Oxford Educación (CLE International) 2012 Physical description: 32 p. : il. cor ; 21 cm. Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (15),

Le Roi Arthur et les chevaliers de la Table ronde / LOUVET, Claude (adapt.) by Louvet, Claude Publication: Barcelona : Vicens Vives (Chat Noir) 2006 Physical description: 80 p. : il. (cor) ; 24 cm. Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (4),

Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn / TWAIN, Mark by Twain, Mark Publication: Hertfordshire (UK) : Wordsworth Editions 1993 Physical description: 435 p. ; 17,5 cm. Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

The Bonetti Inheritance / PRESCOTT, Richard by Prescott, Richard Publication: Oxford : Heinemann Publishers 1993 Physical description: 63 p. ; 20 cm. Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

An Inspector Calls and Other Plays / PRIESTLEY, J.B. by Priestley, J.B. Publication: London : Penguin Books 2000 Physical description: 302 p. ; 19,7 cm. Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

The Odessa File / FORSYTH, Frederick by Forsyth, Frederick Publication: London : Arrow Books 1995 Physical description: 320 p. ; 18 cm. Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

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