Your search returned 9 results. Subscribe to this search

Ignacio de Loyola / DY, Paolo   Publication: Madrid :Karma Films 2017 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD) (121 min.) :son., col Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Mandela : del mito al hombre / dirigida por Justin Chadwick by Chadwick, Justin Publication: [Madrid] :Warner Bros. 2014 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD) (146 min.) :son., col. ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Él me llamó Malala / directed by Davis Guggenheim by Guggenheim, Davis Publication: Madrid :distribuido por Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment España 2015 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD) (ca. 84 min.) :son., col. ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

El hombre que conocía el infinito [ : The man who knew infinity / escrita y dirigida por Matthew Brown ; música, Coby Brown by Brown, Matthew Publication: Madrid :Vértigo Films 2016 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD) (104 min.) :son., col. ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Che el argentino / Steven Soderbergh, música, Alberto Iglesias ; guión, Peter Buchman by Sodebergh, Steven Publication: Madrid :Twentieth Century Fox 2009 Physical description: 1 DVD (ca. 126 min.) :son., col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

The Imitation Game [ : (Descifrando Enigma) / dirigida por Morten Tyldum ; escrita por Graham Moore   Publication: Madrid :Tripictures 2015 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD) (ca. 114 min.) :son., col. ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Gandhi / [dirigida por] Richard Attenborough by Attenborough, Richard Publication: Madrid :Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment 2001 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD) (ca. 183 min.) :son., col Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Figuras ocultas [ / directed by Theodore Melfi ; screenplay by Alison Schroeder and Theodore Melfi ; produced by Donna Gigliotti...[et al.] by Melfi, Theodore Publication: Madrid :Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 2017 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD) (ca. 122 min.) :son., col Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

La red social / David Fincher by Fincher, David Publication: Madrid :Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 2011 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD) (ca. 115 min.) :son. col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

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