Your search returned 8 results. Subscribe to this search

Guitiriz / Meixide, Carlos by Meixide, Carlos Publication: A Coruña : Sacauntos 2021 Physical description: 165 p. ; 21 cm. Academic level: 3º-4º ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

As luces de setembro / Carlos Ruiz Zafón ; [ilustracións interiores e cuberta, Constantino Gatagán ; traductor, Antonio Pichel] by Ruiz Zafón, Carlos Publication: Barcelona :Edebé-Rodeira 1995 Physical description: 279 p. :il. ;20cm Academic level: 3º-4º ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (2),

¡Balea morta ou lancha a pique! / Santiago Jaureguizar by Jaureguizar, Santiago Publication: Vigo :Xerais 2004 Physical description: 115 p. ; 21 cm Academic level: 3º-4º ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Flanagan Blues Band /Andreu Martín; Jaume Ribera by Martín, Andreu Publication: Vigo :Xerais 1997 Physical description: 225 p. ; 21 cm Academic level: 3º-4º ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Tres pasos polo misterio / Agustín Fernández Paz by Fernández Paz, Agustín Publication: Vigo :Edicións Xerais de Galicia 2004 Physical description: 203 p ;21cm Academic level: 3º-4º ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Big-bang / Xoan Bernárdez Vilar by Bernárdez Vilar, Xoán Publication: VIGO :XERAIS 1996 Physical description: 145 p.; 21 cm Academic level: 3º-4º ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Un polbo xigante / Carlos Casares ; ilustracións, Luis Castro Enjamio by Casares, Carlos Publication: Vigo :Galaxia 2000 Physical description: 34 p :il. col. y n ;22cm Academic level: 3º-4º ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

The Corunna boats / Xelís de Toro by Toro, Xelís de Publication: Vigo :Xerais de Galicia 2004 Physical description: 128 p ;21cm Academic level: 3º-4º ESO Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

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