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12 años de esclavitud [ / dirigida por Steve McQueen ; guión, John Ridley ; música, Hans Zimmer by McQueen, Steve Publication: Barcelona :Savor Ediciones 2014 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD) (ca. 134 min.) :son., col. ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

The reader : el lector / dirigido por Stepehn Daldry   Publication: [S.l.] :RBA Edipresse 2008 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD) (ca. 123 min.) :son. col. ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

La duda : (Doubt)] / John Patrick Shanley by Shanley, John Patrick Publication: [S.l.] :Buena Vista Home 2009 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD) (ca. 103 min.) :son. col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Precious / Lee Daniels, música Mario Grigorov ; guión Geoffrey Fletcher by Daniels, Lee Publication: Barcelona :Filmax Home Video 2010 Physical description: 1 DVD (ca.105 min.) :son. col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

Ágora / una película de Alejandro Amenábar by Amenábar, Alejandro Publication: Madrid :Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment España 2010 Physical description: 1 disco (DVD) (ca. 126 min.) :son., col ;12cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Perdouro (1),

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