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Las aventuras del barón de Munchausen /Gottfried Augus Bürgert; ilustraciones Svetlin ; versión libre, Eduardo Murias de Aller ; actividades Joan Manuel Soldevilla

by Bürger, Gottfried August [Author]; Murias de Aller, Eduardo [Translator]; Svetlin [Illustrator]; Soldevilla Albertí, Joan Manuel [author of supplementary material].
Type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Cucaña ;32.Publisher: Barcelona :Vicens Vives ,2008 Edition: 1ª ed.Description: 87 p :il. col ;22cm.ISBN: 8431681381.Subject(s): NARRATIVA | Adolescencia | Viaxes-Contos | Libro ilustrado | LIXOnline resources: Click here to access online
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Infantil: 10 -12 anos

5º-6º Primaria

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